How to Write a Book

I believe everyone has a story to tell.

Have you ever felt inspired to write your memoir, perhaps captured ( or to be) in your journal or diary’s reflections? Is there something you feel compelled to share— stories to leave with your family as a legacy or for a reader to benefit from your experience?

There are lots of reasons to want to write a book. For me, it was an outpouring. To transcribe my life’s experiences. To write about the stress as my role as an NICU nurse and then as a mother of a sick child.

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Home Body

Home, is where you are most fully yourself— the place you belong.

I believe our home’s embody how we live and see ourselves. A reflection of what’s important to us.

Take a moment to reflect about your home. Does your space hold what’s important to you? What is given priority in your home?

As long as I can remember people refer to me ( and I consider myself) a home body. I love to be at home.

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Feeling Emotional? Today's full moon lunar eclipse may be the reason.

How did you sleep last night?

I woke to the light of an enormous pregnant full moon’s illumination. The moon beam was so incredible, she illuminated our entire bedroom. Her intense beautiful light also caused me to lie awake for a couple of hours pondering all those thoughts that creep in during the stillness of night time.

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Fall, in love.

This past Thursday marks the Autumn Equinox, twelve hours of day and twelve hours of night, in equal balance. Choose to participate. The season is shifting. Choose to participate. Find yourself a forest, a park or simply your own backyard. Nature is available and waiting for you to notice. If you choose to allow, it will bring you balance and healing. Invite Fall’s awe-inspiring presence to romance you. Fall in love with the healing comfort and magical sense of being connected to something much bigger than everyday concerns and worries.

AFFIRM: I spend time in nature. I experience healing and rejuvenation. Excerpt from Language of the Soul: 52 Affirmations to Guide You.

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Affirmations Help Us Roll In New Energies

My paint mare Coco makes me feel completely grounded and present in my own body— she communicates her thoughts, feelings and emotions (to me and other horses) through her body language— it’s up to me to pay attention. To learn to “speak horse” is to learn how to tap into a deeper awareness, keen observation and intuition. All of which apply to humans too.

Join me and invite opportunities into your life that ask you to keep pulling the thread. What brings you back to a connection to your true nature? A connection to others (animal and human) and a sense of real joy. If we commit to doing this, we are in alignment with our personal truewellbeing. In this place we are able to offer the best version of ourself to others. Language of the Soul: 52 Affirmations to Guide You is offered on a current Amazon deal for $3.36.

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What makes a good life? Lessons from a 75 year old study...

What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life?

If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction.

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Do you know what a giclee print is, and why you should?

Giclee, pronounced “zhee-clay” is a French term meaning “to spray”, referring to how an inkjet printer works.

It begins with someone who specializes in this process. The most exciting piece of this giclee technique is that you can have a piece of art that fits your space and your budget.

Try this now….

Find a space in your home that feels it needs a lift, a new vibration that resonates with a feeling you want to create.

Now IMAGINE, what would you write in an affirmation to bring your awareness to that feeling every time you looked at the painting.

Artwork is available for purchase as an original or giclee print. There are so many options. Affordable art on archival paper or canvas wrapped panels in shapes and sizes customized for your intentional space.

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Valentine's Day Reflection, Our Most Important Relationship ?

Relationships are how we grow; they cradle and stretch us. Through connection and division, love and hurt, compassion and separation, they invite us to return again and again to the most important relationship we’ll ever have – the one with ourself, the sacred union that’s been waiting within.

—Rebecca Campbell

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Watching the Olympics and Being Inspired

We’ve been watching the Olympic Winter Games. For me, they seem to bring the world a little closer. To see different country’s topography, customs— and how the incredible true grit of the athletes brings them to the top of their game and represent their countries.

As well as the sports I find the personal stories equally inspirational, like the USA Olympic cross country skier, Jessie Diggins who inspired many as she shared her struggles of a teenage eating disorder.

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WORKSHOP Soul Space Through Affirmations + Paint at Enchanting Auberge Resort Bishop's Lodge

Collaborating with the enchanting Bishop’s Lodge Auberge Resort, Santa Fe NM — “Soul Space Through Affirmations + Paint”

In this 90 minute workshop you will learn how to combine an affirmation with gouache water color paint as a portal to self-discovery. To redirect your energies, discern what's important to you, and form a commitment to yourself. Create an affirmation for positive change such as, "I am gentle with myself. I keep love in my soul,” integrated into a painting.

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Happy New Year with Bishop’s Lodge auberge Resort

The bookmark above is being offered as a New Year’s Gift to Bishop’s Lodge Auberge Resort, Santa Fe, NM guests. May you enjoy this place holder too. In heart-felt gratitude for your support over the years.

I look forward to sharing more 2022 workshop offerings with Bishop’s Lodge Auberge Resort in the near future.

Join me, as we use the language of affirmations, inviting you to speak from your soul and step forward into your beautiful new life, the one that has always been there, awaiting you.

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My Soul Space

Often times it’s fun to share your truewellbeing. The soul space of you. The part of you that makes you special, that’s always there even if you don’t acknowledge it or believe it. I am going to share with you, and I hope that you will share some of ‘your truewellbeing’ in the comments too.

I am a 59 year old woman— mom to three (now all grown up) children, a wife, a dog and horse lover who is happiest when I am with my family, a horse and in nature.

Join me in finding sacredness, begin to weave the thread of joy, and the divine will pull the thread. Here is my latest offering. Language of the Soul 52 Affirmations to Guide You

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Art as a Muse

I went to Golden, Colorado last weekend. To recall the feeling as we drove up from Santa Fe is like trying to create the definition of autumn— a magical mix of crisp cool mountain air, brilliant golden fields of aspens nestled against a backdrop of deep purple mountains with ethereal white peaks. For me, the scenery created a soulful vibe that fall always brings. To take time and step out of my day-to-day coupled with the excitement of learning a new technique (from the comfort of an old friend) was a tonic to soothe my soul.

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Our cowboy, Jodie, assigned you a horse for the day. You spent time getting to know your horse; brushing, petting and caring for this 1600 lb animal gave you the gift of trust and connection. Entering the arena with your horse, your attention became focused on what the horse did. Whether a mare or gelding, it mirrored what you were projecting on it.

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Language of the Soul Affirmation Workshop at Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, NM

SUNDAY OCTOBER 24th, 4:30-5:30 pm

Join us for a guided meditation, journaling and affirmations. This workshop will teach you how to think and speak differently. To understand the layers of applying an affirmation, and how to re-direct your energies, discern what’s important to you, and form a commitment to yourself.

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Tending the Soul and Sacred Space

I can feel the change. The last few weeks of this sweet summer are shifting. Wearing a sweater in the morning and lighting a fire to warm the chilly evenings, signals the whispers of autumn are approaching.

This summer I tended to my soul. For the first time in a long time, I took a pause.

I set an intention to create a summer dedicated to do exactly what I felt like doing. An experiment. What could happen? These past summer days, I mostly longed to fill my time outdoors— by myself, or with family and friends.

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True Story Affirmation Brought to Life

Affirm: I am happy in child-like joy.

It took a little while for this affirmation to become reality, but as the saying goes, when the timing is right— things tend to fall into place.


I am excited to offer you our Affirmation Digital Workbook Course as a complementary supplement to your book Language of the Soul: 52 Affirmations to Guide You. I developed this course to help you dive deeper into the application of affirmations.

This is available as my gift for anyone who has purchased Language of the Soul: 52 Affirmations to Guide You. All you have to do is send us a photo of you and the book (it can even just be your hand holding the book) and a quick phone shot is perfect.

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Once we receive your photo, you will receive a link to download the Affirmation Digital Workbook Course as my gift. The end goal is for you to learn how to honor your own innate wisdom and begin to live a life that feels like your personal truewellbeing!

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n preparation for our recent retreat, I pulled from a large stack of journals. The entry I found happened to be from 2012, a reflection from my 50th year. I opened to a page about one of the most memorable times I could recall during my fifty years of living. Eleven through sixteen years of age. I wrote that during this time I felt a deep connection to nature and a horse. The combination of the two allowed me to feel genuine happiness and freedom.

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