Sacred Geometry Art Vesica Piscis Explained

Sacred Geometry, Vesica Picis, an etheric bridge between the union of opposites, the physical and spiritual, the masculine and feminine, and perhaps Heaven and Earth?

For me, it’s an exciting concept to ponder, a link to the hidden order of our world and the interconnectedness of all things channeled into art.

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Sacred Geometry Art

I am intrigued with sacred space.

To find harmony and order in a space makes me feel good and brings me a sense of well-being. This interest lead me to explore sacred geometry, which suggests that our world has a divine order in geometric patterns and mathematical ratios found in nature, music and light.

I believe these harmonious patterns create a vibrational pull of energy that connects us all, and a new appreciation of the world we share.

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Creative Visualization

Think of the subconscious mind as a second, hidden mind that exists within you— its goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the thoughts and the images you hold within.

It doesn’t discriminate. It brings you what you need or desire. Often, synchronicity, which you may think of as luck or coincidence— is an inner collaborator. 

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A Celestial Pause

Today , Dec 21, 2024 is our winter solstice, when the sun seems to pause before reversing direction. Solstice in Latin ‘sun, stands still.’ It is a wonderful time to stop and like the sun, take a pause (even just for a moment), take a few deep breaths and find your center. 

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Are You A Coffee Drinker?

I started to drink coffee at seventeen years old. As a high school senior, I took a zero-hour college course at Kansas State University. Waking up early, my dad and I shared a cup of coffee before we headed to campus, where he taught and I attended my first college class.

Coffee’s morning ritual has been in my life for 45 years! I endeavor to write about subjects I am passionate about and feel may also spread positive information.

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Contemplative Practice: Finding Balance and Energy Everyday

I firmly believe our outer self undoubtedly reflects on our inner state of being. When I feel balanced and whole, you can see it in the brightness of my eyes, the clarity of my choices, and the circumstances in life.

Autumn is always a beautiful season of reflection, and with Thanksgiving approaching, join me in focusing on gratitude and balance in life. Re-visiting the tagline on my website’s home page above feels like a good check-in, a satisfying refresher.

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Elizabeth Irvine shares her journey from nursing to holistic wellness podcast

Elizabeth Irvine shares her journey from nursing to holistic wellness. She discusses the importance of self-care, the evolution of Truewellbeing, and the impact of motherhood on holistic wellness. Elizabeth Irvine shares her experiences with creating sacred space and the impact of environment on well-being. She discusses the importance of recognizing and pursuing one’s passion in life, and the power of positive affirmations in shaping reality.

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Writing is a Portal To Self Discovery

A Writing Salon is percolating.

Are you interested in hanging out with a group of like-minded friends that help form a discipline and provide accountability to dedicate time and energy to creative free-flow journaling? A pen to paper self-discovery practice to uncover deep truths and open creativity. What if genuine authentic untapped material is patiently waiting to come forth and guide you?

What if you join my mom and I? Would you like to create an intention to dedicate 15 minutes, a small portion of your day (or a few days of the week) to a writing practice? Personal anecdotes written down that shaped who you are today. Insights that provide an interesting perspective of experience. To use inquisitive prompts that lead you to an intimate revealing glimpse into your life.

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June Strawberry Full Moon, What Does it Mean?

This evening, June 24, there is a Strawberry Full Moon. Take a few moments just after sunset and look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. There, it will appear large and golden hued.

A kind of interesting note is that this can appear honey in color and traditionally many weddings occur in June followed with a “honeymoon”.

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If Home is Where the Heart Is, Where Does The Soul Live?

In our current home, the land and the oak groves spoke to me. I knew the house had potential. While the land had been neglected, it felt such a privilege to be the new steward and offer it some much needed and deserved love and attention. After an eighteen month remodel, our small ranch outside of Austin finally feels like home. This iconic tree keeps my feet on the ground while simultaneously inspiring me to look within and connect to a higher force.

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The Writing Process, Do You Need a Guide?

Encouraging pen to paper, conceptual dreaming editors, meticulous detail line editors and publishing as a bottom-line business kind of guides. From my humble start in 1998 contributing a column to a  London Yoga magazine to two publishers, their editors and an agent later. The last two and a half decades of my writing journey appeared in my mind’s eye.

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Mandala Coloring Meditation Workshops

Indulge yourself in this 75 minute workshop and color your way into a meditation, get a “snap shot” of your subconscious mind and create an affirmation for positive change.

Mandala Coloring Meditation Workshop Series

When: June 18, July 14 & August 11, 4pm-5:15pm

Where: Sersana Bee Cave (Austin, TX)

Investment: $45.00


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Journal Prompts for Full Moon, Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox

Today is a full moon.

Spring Equinox, Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse— what does this beautiful spring time hold?

As many of you know I love to follow the moon cycles. In my daily journal I record where the moon is in it’s monthly rotation. When I follow the cycles I can be more aware of a new Moon (begin again), waxing Moon (building energies), full Moon (surf the wave) or waning Moon (revision energies) and also to be more compassionate with myself and others during high intensity lunar periods, such as a full Moon or eclipses.

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Keep A Wider Perspective, Peace Comes From Within You

Do you remember the days when we didn’t have a cell phone? When Ron and I were out to dinner I left the restaurant’s telephone number with the babysitter in case of an emergency. These days I carry my cell phone with me most of the day. Often distracted by the ding of a text coming through, and 99% of the time it’s not urgent.

I feel now more than ever how essential it is to step back each day and see myself, and my relationship to others from another perspective, a different view— a wider lens. 

Through a new vision to see and FEEL more peace, compassion and joy.

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If You Can Talk, You Can Write WORKSHOP

Writing is a path to become more intimate with ourselves.

Whether you write down last night’s dream, what makes you happy or your soul’s deepest longings—writing is healing, empowering and can bring much needed clarity. Our original and genuine reflections are much more real, interesting and can bring profound insights. You never know when something wants to pour out of you, as it usually arrives unexpected the more you practice writing.

Do you want to learn tools to discover more about yourself, learn techniques to become a better writer and meet a group of like-minded people?

Join us for an afternoon of creative self-expression:


When: FRIDAY, APRIL 5TH, 2024, 1-5 PM


Investment: $375.00 (includes book Language of the Soul, and writing tools)


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