June Strawberry Full Moon, What Does it Mean?
Today is the solstice, when the sun seems to pause before reversing direction. Solstice in Latin ‘sun, stands still.’
The lightest, longest, day of the year. I invite you to pause for a moment, take a deep breath and find your center.
Reflect with gratitude on this year so far— and now create an affirmation around abundance for how you will feel at the end of 2024.
In gratitude for an abundant garden
Take a few moments just after sunset and look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. If we are lucky to view, it should be visibly large and golden hued.
A kind of interesting note is that this can appear honey in color and traditionally many weddings occur in June followed with a “honeymoon”.
The abundance of June
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, “June’s full Moon—typically the last full Moon of spring or the first of summer—is traditionally called the Strawberry Moon.
This name has been used by Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples, among others, to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.”
Why we want to pay attention to the lunar phases
Just as farmers, sailors, and spiritual calendars use the moon phases cycle, you hold the power to learn how to use the lunar cycles.
As a young girl growing up in Kansas, I watched the farmer's use a guide to get into the flow of the moon's phases to plant and to harvest, the Farmer's Almanac.
To use the countryman's crop as an example, the seedling begins to grow, and as you start to see results, you may want to rush ahead to pick a vegetable that is not quite ripe. I feel whether it's working in your garden bed or manifesting any new intention-- from my experience, we need to learn to work with the right timing and to be patient with the phases. It's not always about action. Every phase holds a purpose. The lunar cycle timing can assist and bring more ease to your entire process and end goal. To sow seeds of change and nurture them at the right time brings the most beautiful harvest.
Full moons and particularly this June’s Strawberry Moon
Emotions rise, heightened energy. Ride the surf of energy, pregnant with possibility. Give thanks for your current abundance.
Set intentions around abundance and release your action steps into the world.
Want to learn more? YOU hold the power to use the moon’s patterns and cycles.