about elizabeth irvine

Elizabeth Irvine is an author, artist, and advocate for tending the soul. With over thirty years of contemplative practice, she helps others discover their healthiest and happiest selves through self-discovery. Emphasizing honesty, compassion, and kindness, she strives to live as authentically and aware as possible to enhance her consciousness in every aspect of life.

Irvine has penned four books, including her latest, Language of the Soul: Fifty-Two Affirmations to Guide You. This book teaches you how to change your life direction, focus your energies, identify what truly matters, and create a positive vibration.

Her earlier works, Healthy Mother Healthy Child, A Moment’s Peace, and Meditations from the Earth, focus on bringing peace and serenity into the home.

As an artist, she believes her art acts as a muse that fosters a deeper understanding of well-being and interconnectedness. "Whether I am painting or the viewer is absorbing, the painting speaks in its voice." Explore her ART
