Journal Prompts for Full Moon, Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox
Today is a full moon. It’s also a lunar eclipse.
Spring Equinox, Full Moon and a Lunar and Solar Eclipse— what does this beautiful spring time hold and how can we tap into it’s rhythms?
As many of you know I love to follow the moon cycles. In my daily journal I record where the moon is in it’s monthly rotation. When I follow the cycles I can be more aware of a new Moon (begin again), waxing Moon (building energies), full Moon (surf the wave) or waning Moon (revision energies) and also to be more compassionate with myself and others during high intensity lunar periods, such as a full Moon or eclipses.
Surf the Waves of a Full Moon
What is a solar eclipse?
Webster says, “The total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another.” For me, a solar or lunar eclipse means it’s going to be an intensified time. So these opportunities are ripe for bringing about change and growth.
Try these prompts to help you on today’s full moon, any day this spring or on April 8th— when we will have surreal midday darkness of a total solar eclipse, not happening again for about two decades.
Join me and use this time as an emotional spring board to recognize what needs to change or grow in life.
How do I balance my relationships and also meet my individual needs?
What’s currently happening in my life? How do I ground myself to navigate this time?
Am I procrastinating or avoiding a decision? If so, how do I find clarity and confidence in my decision?
guided meditation and journaling workshop