Create A Home Yoga Practice

Would you like to create an easy and effective home yoga practice?

Gentle yoga stretches, breathing, meditation plus an affirmation are the powerful tools that make up my daily morning routine – a sacred space that brings balance to my body and re-connects me to my soul.

Just like brushing my teeth
This home practice is as essential for me as brushing my teeth. To create a space that allows my body to self-heal and return to the divine essence, yoga’s definition: the union of body, mind & soul. After twenty + years of dedicating a brief amount of time (and morning distractions still arrive) however, once I light my incense as a ritual to begin, I am instantly transported into a new and better place.

How I got into yoga, and how you can too
In the late 90’s it began with a Wednesday morning gentle breath-based yoga class in a local activity center—on Wednesdays I felt fantastic, and so I kept going. I encourage you to try out different studios until you find the right fit. Nothing beats a certified, enthusiastic, compassionate teacher to guide you on your path. Make it convenient, and feel you resonate with your new teacher. If you aren’t too sure about the class, keep looking—the good news is you can sign up for a yoga class almost anywhere: a local gym or YMCA, a studio, or a church hall. Soon enough you will be ready to use this knowledge and bring it home, to your own space.

Steps to consider in starting your home practice:

  1. Create a dedicated time and space Sacred Space: A Place of Invisible Grace & Sacred Space.

  2. Salute to the Sun series is yoga in a nutshell. However, even three easy poses can work wonders; forward bend, twist and a balance.

  3. Classically, yoga is divided into equal amount of time: asana, breath work & meditation. Use these FREE guided relaxation meditations to learn how to quiet your mind and end your session.

©healthy mother healthy child book

©healthy mother healthy child book


Allie’s Yoga Video

Do You Want to Learn How to Meditate?

Awakening the Spine By Vanda Scaravelli, Favorite Yoga Book

Yoga, More Than on The Mat

Crave the good feeling
What I can say? Once you get a taste for the good feelings self-care brings, be prepared to crave the repercussions of balance–ultimately healthier, happier and more at ease with your life. You begin to connect to a flow and feel part of that state of mind as you watch your day unfold with a little more grace.

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