A connection with your horse, getting acquainted to a 1600lb animal is a gift of trust.
A reflection on a Soul Space Equine Day retreat Travaasa, Austin ,
Through grooming, creating a connection with the horse’s energies, and moving a horse around the corral— this experience can provide a unique, fun and empowering way to uncover your journey to self.
Our cowboy, Jodie, assigns you a horse for the morning. Jodie and I work together to help you start off by getting to know our horse; brushing, petting and connecting. It’s like meeting a new friend (who happens to weigh 1500 lbs) and brings a feeling of grounded comfort. Next, you enter the arena with your horse. We ask you to hold focused attention with your horse. You are completely in the present moment and observing what your horse is doing. One of the coolest parts is, YOUR HORSE MIRRORS what you are projecting on it.
to communicate without saying a word
Sometimes, a well-meaning friend won’t tell you how you are acting– a horse is more blunt, like a wise and powerful therapist who cuts straight to the chase. He mimics your emotions and sends your own vibes straight back to you.
Working with horses is a unique way to learn more about yourself. Through respect, sensitivity, and awareness it teaches you to be intuitive. To create channels of communication with another living being. As you connect with the horse on an emotional level, you learn to communicate without saying a word.
a relationship with self and others
After our arena time, we enjoy lunch and a wrap up session. The group shared their experience together and our discussion led to— relationships. Relationships in your life (including your relationship with self). These words surfaced to use as principles with our relationships:
energy exchange
lead by example
AFFIRM: I practice non-verbal communication. I listen to the messages.