Posts in sacred space
Tending the Soul and Sacred Space

I can feel the change. The last few weeks of this sweet summer are shifting. Wearing a sweater in the morning and lighting a fire to warm the chilly evenings, signals the whispers of autumn are approaching.

This summer I tended to my soul. For the first time in a long time, I took a pause.

I set an intention to create a summer dedicated to do exactly what I felt like doing. An experiment. What could happen? These past summer days, I mostly longed to fill my time outdoors— by myself, or with family and friends.

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Who's That Girl? part 1

I want to give readers a chance to get to know me. To feel as if we were sitting together outside on my patio with a cup of tea, talking about our lives. It is these kinds of conversations that let us get a deeper understanding of one another, of what makes us who we are. I want to show you what I do and why I love it.

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A Reflection: Coming Home to Nature's Seasons

The Sangre de Cristo Mountains (In Spanish translates to the “Blood of Christ”) —are just behind our home. This mountain range is the southernmost subrange of the Rocky Mountains. They run from southern Colorado to northern New Mexico. I hike or ride a horse in them most days, and when there isn’t snow on the ground the earth is a blood red color.

At 57 years old, I feel like I’ve returned to the beauty and rhythms of nature.

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Clouds In My Coffee

Coffee is one of my little favorite pleasures. What’s one of yours?

The cup and saucer, a gift from my mother-in-law (I think it’s about 100 years old). I just love using these cups every day. I think of her and her great sense of style.

Just as I like to watch clouds to give me a sense of peace, relaxation and fun— read more, Cloudy with a Chance of Joy. Do you see the clouds in my coffee cup too?

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California—join us.

On a recent trip to California, to celebrate the girls’ birthday, unexpected experiences appear. Allie is finishing up a two-year program studying depth psychology. Sarah and I join her at the end of one of her sessions to take a few days of R&R, and start 2020 in a fresh and inspiring way.

Over a glass of champagne, the three of us make a rough plan of what our three days in California will hold. We all agree — time together, in nature, along with good food and wine are the top of our list.

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The Family Nest: Create Sacred Space for Houston Family Magazine

My intention and focus for these articles is to help parents build their emotional and physical capacity, whether that’s how to keep calm amidst chaos or tap into the pillars of great health. To learn how to nurture your connection first, which then radiates out to the entire family. To raise families who care — about themselves, about each other, and about the world around them.

Let’s get started. My first offering is all about how to create sacred space.

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