Feeling Emotional? Today's full moon lunar eclipse may be the reason.

How did you sleep last night?

I woke to the light of an enormous pregnant full moon’s illumination. The moon beam was so incredible, she lit up our entire bedroom. Her intense beautiful light also caused me to lie awake for a couple of hours pondering all those thoughts that creep in during the stillness of night time.

Feeling emotional

My husband, dog, horse and myself all felt the energies of this full moon eclipse. So interesting to observe how we all felt a little “dramatic” yesterday. To keep track of moon cycles helps me.

When I follow the cycles I can be more aware and more compassionate with myself and others during high intensity lunar periods.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse falls at the full moon when the earth stands directly between the moon and the sun, casting a palette of shadows on the moon. To me, an eclipse means it’s going to be an intensified new or full moon. So these times are ripe for bringing about change and growth. What’s currently happening in your life? Are you procrastinating or avoiding a decision?

Join me and use this emotional spring board to recognize what needs to change or grow in life.

In this course you will learn how to tap into the moon’s phases. Just as a farmers, sailors, spiritual calendars use the power of the moon phases. So can you.

This course includes a 2023 Moon phase calendar, a video walk through, a digital workbook and a guided meditation. DISCOVER