quartz crystal photo©elizabeth irvine
We love to create SACRED SPACE and thought you may too. To make our space feel good in return makes our space feel more sacred—and when you feel good in your home, it brings a sense of comfort and security— it is easier to connect to the sacred in you, the best version of you.
Following are a few of our favorite ways to create SACRED SPACE
Whether it’s the morning breeze from an open window, a stick of incense burning, essential oils in a diffuser, or the scent of a candle—they all bring a sacred feeling to the space.
Nothing can clear the space better than a breath of FRESH AIR Just as you need to get up and move around after sitting at the computer, get up and open the window. Get the air moving in your space, it clears the energy.
I am very particular when it comes to incense. Growing up my mom always lit incense before her meditation practice, so for me, it automatically connects me to a special memory of stillness and peace.
ESSENTIAL OILS are a great remedy to create sacred space. A diffuser mists your oils through the room. At the moment a mixture of peppermint and lavender fills our space. I also love all citrus scents like grapefruit, lemon, and orange. These fresh, citrus scents bring a positive feeling because it is said to be one of the first smells you remember as a child.
A candle does more than fill the room with a beautiful aroma- as the flame burns steadily it holds the space for a connection to spirit.
A Monday ritual is to pick out a fresh bouquet. Flowers bring so much life, color and energy into the room I feel they are worth every penny. Roses are said to hold the highest vibration, but the beauty of any flower is one of those things that instantly puts a smile on my face.
Like fresh flowers, plants also bring life and bright color to the room. Succulents are very fashionable, and require almost no care. Another plus: plants are air purifiers! According to NASA, common indoor plants help to remove toxic agents from the air.
The plain and simple truth, geodes bring positive energy into your space. To me, geodes represent the power and beauty of Mother Nature. They make us aware of our connection to self and also to the Earth. When the sunshine streams in from a window, reflecting light on a crystal, the sparkles bring forth a feeling of being grounded and yet simultaneously connected to a higher spiritual place.
How does your space feel? What do you smell, what do you see, how do you feel when you are there? Can you incorporate scents, green, geodes or anything else that helps you become more connected to the best version of you?
AFFIRM: As I create sacred space around me, I find it within me.
With love, Allie