I behold the abundance that surrounds
Scroll down for your meditation and prompt.
Phrase of the day:
Today I behold the abundance that surrounds me.
This should be written in your notebook and remembered during the day as often as possible.
Mantra of the day:
So Hum
So Hum
This is the mantra you will repeat during meditation.
Listen to the meditation audio below.
Write the phrase of the day in your notebook. Remember it during the day.
Complete this assignment in your journal — make a list of 50 people who have influenced your development.
Enjoy the process, set aside the time and setting for yourself to do so. Light a candle, create intentional sacred space that constructs an energetic container holding your unique imprint, as you begin to gather and build upon the energy of abundance.
Please comment below “DAY 1 DONE” when you have completed Day 1.
In your comment, include any additional thoughts.