photo pink peony ©elizabeth irvine
I received an email the other day from a new friend. This comfortable relationship feels as if we are just being re-aquatinted again, like I’ve known this kindred spirit for years. My artist colleague is presented with a job opportunity that brings a steady paycheck. At this big-decision-crossroad, he asked me to weigh in.
In Pursuit of Happiness
I say, please pursue happiness. In whatever form that takes— if we love what we do, then everything tends to fall into place. And in this situation I suggested he accept the job and let his art take an evening and weekend position.
One would think to put his art on a “back burner” is the opposite of pursuing a dream, but what if our dreams came true in surrendering to what’s in front of us. He wakes up every morning to the cold fact that he is a provider to three children. His love for his role as a father (in my opinion) became the happiness barometer. This new career path brought an avenue to support his role and nurture his family. Choices are never easy. Some days, decisions are simpler than other days. Big or small every choice we make supports our pursuit of happiness.
Blessing Revealed
As he accepted this new position, he excitedly texted me and said many more blessing will be revealed in time. In the beginning perhaps he felt his art would be the ultimate path to happiness, but as he settled into the reality of being a parent he discovered differently.
Isn’t it interesting? Just when we think we know what will make us HAPPY, something else shows up to lead the way.