

The sound of sirens transported me back to my childhood. The wails stopped me packing the box and made me look out the window to the dark and stormy Kansas sky.

We came to Kansas to help my ninety-year-old mother-in-law downsize into an apartment. I felt over-whelmed and a drift in sorting through the piles of years.

The warning sirens blasted through the community as sited tornados were only a few miles away. We took refuge in an interior closet and intently listened to the weather radio. After an hour, the violent storm passed. We were safe and unharmed.

After getting Eve settled into her new home we boarded a flight back to Texas and I came across a serendipitous quote:

My ego whispered, “You are not strong enough to withstand the storm.”
Today, I whispered back, “I am the storm.”

This past weekend we survived a physical and emotional storm. Physically experiencing tornado activity as well as feeling caught up in trying to help my Eve let go of so many possessions, and to only bring what “sparks joy” into her new and sacred space.

The quote reminded me. Everything happens within. You are as powerful as any cyclone. You are a twister of energy. See yourself, as the storm and own your power.

Affirm: Throughout the turbulence of my day, I recognize my inner strength and own my power.