What is an Affirmation?
I use the word affirmation interchangeably with sankalpa; a vow, a commitment to myself and a request to guide my choices. The five-thousand-year-old Sanskrit word sankalpa translates as san “union” and kalpa “possiblity” – the possibility exits within. When stated with positive language in an aware state of mind, the affirmation will eventually manifest.
How do you Begin to Find your Affirmation?
The process begins with becoming quiet and still, so that you may hear-from deep within-so you can listen to what your heart knows to be true. The idea is already there, just waiting TO BE HEARD. Then state your feeling, with a deep awareness of truth, staying in the present tense. For example, instead of “I want to be more compassionate” the affirmation becomes, “I am compassion and I radiate that.” Or “I want to become more healthy”, it is, “My body is vibrantly alive and healthy.”
Begin Speaking Soul Language
Right now, imagine the quiet still space that exists deep within you. Take a few long, deep, soothing breaths- in…and out. INHALE. EXHALE. Use your breath to let go of built-up stress, and re-connect – even just briefly – to the deepest part of you that is whole and pure. Your true nature remains unchanged whether you remember to honor it or not. Bring your awareness to deep within, to your own divine light. Now ask the question, “What would I like to change in my life?” You are sending a message from your conscious mind to your subconscious. It is not a wish or a hope, its an intention for positive change. Allow this message to come into your awareness. Form this thought into a short positive statement for change. Repeat your resolve to yourself. Be patient with the process. Inspiration and ideas will always surface as you learn to become quieter and listen.
AFFIRM: I connect to the divine in me.
Watch and learn about our NOTE TO SELF piece, more than just a beautiful piece of jewelry. NOTE TO SELF is designed to create positive change in your life, A SACRED PLACE to hold your affirmation.
Read more about affirmations and how Elizabeth came to know and use them in her book,