An Unexpected Guest and Our Favorite Things
I love the quote,
Life is like a box (or tray) of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
The other day at our holiday party we had an unexpected guest. She arrived by Uber, walked into our space saying, "Oh my goodness, my palms are sweaty and I am so nervous to meet you."
Welcoming her in with big hugs, she felt more at ease and settled in. She told us, "I flew from Nashville to come to the holiday party. "
She went on to say she followed the blog and quoted one written some five years ago when my dad went to heaven. She said that is when hers did too. It was a Winnie the Pooh poem, which she saw again shortly after reading it in a random place, and felt it was her sign from her dad too.
I told Clara, how empowering it was to hear her story, as sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads the stuff I write. This day I felt a strong sense, it does matter.
Isn't life just like a box full of beautiful chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
ELIZABETH’S PICK: Note to Self Vessel.
Why? This new talisman vessel is a labor of love, a two year process come to life.
The idea was to design something feminine and yet wears like steel.What if you believed you hold the power to shape your thoughts, your language, your consciousness? Live the life your soul is asking you to live.
SARAH'S PICK: Moonstone Benedict Tassel
Why? I love moonstone because of its connection to the moon cycles.
I love to wear this necklace to and from yoga and set my intentions around the new and full moons.
KARA'S PICK: Elizabeth's Watercolor Paintings
Why? Not only are they visually stunning, but, Elizabeth sets an intention and seeks guidance before she puts brush to paper.
If you look closely you can find a message within them.
When she first told me of her process before I immediately understood why I was drawn to certain pieces.
ALLIE'S PICK: Saint Benedict Necklace
Why? I never take mine off.
This piece has truly become my everyday talisman. I sleep in it, shower in it and feel weird when I am not wearing it. I love the reminder that I am always connected to something bigger than myself, something sacred.